Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Relive a Little!

I just read Shannon's blog and thought that this would be fun. If you want to leave me a memory since with age I find that I've forgotten so much!
It was fun to see what others had posted on Shannon's blog so I wanted to join in.I got this from Shannon. I thought it would be interesting (or possibly embarrassing) what everyone comes up with. So let's rehash the past....1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.


K Lovell said...

I know there are a lot of memories that we have shared. I think the best ones have been in the last eight years with you being there for the birth of each of my kids. I know you didnt get to see Henry born, but having you right there the moment they opened the door was a great site.

Kristy said...

Some of my best memories are when we used to pack up our families and travel. The trips to CA were the best. Trying to cram as much as possible into one day and of course the dozens of Duncan doughnuts we consumed. Las Vegas on Memorial weekend - yikes! - and who can forget sitting under the fake orange tree in that resturant after visiting the dam. Those were fun times!

Kate said...

I was nervous to meet Kirst for the first time and hoped that we got along for Jim & Jeff's sake. I didn't imagine that I would love her family too. When I think of you I am reminded of how you always made me laugh and I would be so excited when I knew you would be at a function. Everything was always funner when you were there. 4th of July's and scrapbooking are the moments that first come to mind.

Cooper Family said...

I have such great memories of our trip to Las Vegas back in 2001. We had so much fun walking around "people watching" and ordering drinks down by the pool. And my favorite souvenir..... the ESPRIT bag!

Shannon said...

Karen you will think this is really weird but I remember the first time Whitt and I met you and Tim. I'm not sure what Jeff and Kirst were doing but it was at some ward party or something like that at your church. I remember thinking that you were so classy and Tim was handsome and that you seemed to have it all together. I also remember you giving us a gift for christmas that 1st year that Jeff was on his mission. Funny the things we remember. Most of all I remember all the fun times we have had together since our children, (lol) well that is what they are even if they are adults, got married. The wedding, the great reception, little Henry, our trip to Lake Powell with your delicious chicken salad. That was the best. Lucy being born so fast and being my first time to see a baby born. All our birthday parties and 4th of Julys. Can't forget scrapbooking at Kristy's. We really have had some great times and I look forward to many more years of spending time together. And of course we do have the cutest grandchildren in the world.

Beth said...

I remember spending the night at your house one night in the middle of the winter. When we got out of the car we girls were pulled into the house by pillows so we would not slip on the ice. It is great times to remember playing school in the rainbow room also.